Student Posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015



We've done some reading and a lot of writing in class.  It almost seems wrong to actually play games in a 21st Century classroom.  But....we did!  Students did some money counting and fraction practice using  This included conversations about ads and how to move past them to the real business at hand.

Here is one student teaching another the path to get to these games:

First and Second Graders:

This week we are taking our writing skills into Padlet.  Padlet is a good way to let others collaborate on a thought or idea.  Since this is new to us, we hit a few permissions bugs (ok a lot of permissions bugs) but the students and I press on.

Enjoy our first attempts:


Mrs. Roberts
Mrs. Cleave
Mrs. Richardson
Mrs. Segraves
Mrs. Anglin
Mrs. Munson

PADLET--Check it out!

Third Grade:

Back to Typing Web this week.  Students work toward 10wpm at 100% on home row posture. In addition, they are working on practicing the SBAC tests they will be taking soon.  Click below to see what the tests look like.

Fourth Grade:

We took to our blogs this week.  Students are reading a non-fiction piece, summarizing it, and moving towards forming an opinion and backing up their opinion with evidence from the article.  We'd love to have guest readers.  Contact Mrs. Carney if you are interested.