Student Posts

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cyber Savvy Tip #1

I love my new position as a 21st Century Skills teacher.  As a parent, however, I've run into a few problems caused by the lack of awareness of how 21st Century tools are being used by our students when they are not monitored.  Information, whether delivered through technology, books, news, movies, you name it, will be misused.  There is no stopping the speed and validity of information in this century.  Educating yourself and your child is vital for their safety.  Hopefully, you'll find these cyber savvy tips helpful.

If your children have a smartphone, tablet or access to the internet,  it's time for a checkup.  These are just a few of the social media apps that kids are using.

Yik Yak
*Rooms was launched today by Facebook

Parent information about some of these apps can be found here:

A few rules for your kiddo:
1. If you can't show it to your family, don't post it.
2. Your cyber friends should be the same friends you have in the physical world.
3. Devices can be requested by the parent at any time.

On a personal level, I use my cellphone company to turn off devices at a certain hour.  Only people listed as "trusted contacts" can get through.  Kids don't just read with flashlights anymore.  They are texting and surfing at all hours of the night.

**Websites linked are solely for awareness of digital safety issues.  They are not monitored or produced by this author.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

School Board Listening To Me Ramble

Last night, I went to the school board for several reasons.  I thanked them for making technology one of our 6 priorities.  I see such a difference in our students abilities to manipulate programs.  I also put in my 2 cents about having a literature expert in the district so parents and students are better equipped  in making good choices for required outside reading.  Lastly I asked the board to consider who is responsible for providing digital safety courses for grades 8-12. I'm hoping they can identify a job position in the future that addresses the digital world on a yearly basis for all students.  As always, they were very gracious.

Sister Act

Lince is so fortunate to have these wonderful ladies!

That's a Wrap!

Kindergarten-In the Kidpix program we are wrapping up addition equations (using the text box on the toolbar) and adding pictures.  We insert stickers aka "images".  Then resize and flip them using the hot boxes.

First Grade-We started letter writing this week. Letters should be composed with an opening, body and formal closing with our name.  When text was complete, students could add 4 images.  We will repeat this lesson since formal Kidpix lessons were hit and miss last year.  We should be expecting a capital letter on student names from now on.

Second Grade-Students had lively discussions with me about the 4 rules of Internet Safety.
1.  Tell a trusted adult if you see anything that makes you feel awkward or scared on the Internet.
2.  Never meet anyone in person that you met online.
3.  Never share personal information online.
4.  Use good Netiquette.

Third Grade-Students had two sessions to complete saving their documents and illustrating multiplication equations using 2 of the 4 models presented in class.

Fourth Grade-Kids took a form letter that I wrote to a college asking for information and edited it to fit themselves.  They deleted, used control-click for spelling suggestions, learned keyboard shortcuts apple-C (copy) and apple-V (paste).  During conferences, we will make sure everyone had a chance to complete this task and stuff their own addressed envelopes.  All responses will come to Lince.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Is My Child's Identity Safe Online? FREE WEBINAR OCT 22nd

Sign up for the FREE WEBINAR from   I use for safety classes in Grades K-2.

Grades 3 & 4 will have a combination of curriculum from

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Bookfair days/hours October 27th-30th

Monday 3:10pm -3:40pm
Tuesday 8:00am -3:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am -3:30pm

Thursday 8:00am -7:00pm

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Call for Military Personnel Photos

I am currently collecting pictures of any Veterans and active duty personnel for a slideshow to air at our Veteran's Day assembly.  Please send in digital pictures to: or printed photo copies in an envelope addressed to Mrs. Carney @ RLE.  Be sure to list student names each Vet is associated with.  Photos may be used for a bulletin board and NOT returned. Send copies only please.  Photos due by November 7th.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Adventures in Technology

Students used the drawing tool to illustrate their equations.

Focus technology vocabulary:
-color palette
-drawing tool

First Grade:
We use to talk in length about the 4 rules of online safety.
1.  If you see anything awkward or wrong on the internet-Tell a trusted adult.
2.  Never meed anyone in person that you met online.
3.  Never share personal information online.
4.  Always use good Netiquette.

Second Grade:
Last week, students created a Word Document to add a table and make a number puzzle.  This week, students are talking about safety online.

Third Grade:
Students save and use Microsoft Word to demonstrate what a multiplication equation looks like.  Illustrate 2 different strategies:  array, grouping model, tape diagram or number bond.

Fourth Grade:
Students are using the internet and our college symbaloo to find a mailing address for the college of your choice.  Pay particular attention to "contact" or "admissions" links.  Address an envelope with to and from information.  Save and use a Microsoft Word document to request information from that college.

More Friends

Friday, October 10, 2014

Jeff Utecht in Yakima

Open social media to our schools AND have the conversations around appropriate use.  BettPride in Iowa has large monitor screens around the school with an open Twitter feed.  So cool!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Washington Library Media Association

I appreciate the opportunity to meet with my professional heroes. These people encourage and inspire me. Thank you WLMA!