Student Posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Adventures in Technology

Students used the drawing tool to illustrate their equations.

Focus technology vocabulary:
-color palette
-drawing tool

First Grade:
We use to talk in length about the 4 rules of online safety.
1.  If you see anything awkward or wrong on the internet-Tell a trusted adult.
2.  Never meed anyone in person that you met online.
3.  Never share personal information online.
4.  Always use good Netiquette.

Second Grade:
Last week, students created a Word Document to add a table and make a number puzzle.  This week, students are talking about safety online.

Third Grade:
Students save and use Microsoft Word to demonstrate what a multiplication equation looks like.  Illustrate 2 different strategies:  array, grouping model, tape diagram or number bond.

Fourth Grade:
Students are using the internet and our college symbaloo to find a mailing address for the college of your choice.  Pay particular attention to "contact" or "admissions" links.  Address an envelope with to and from information.  Save and use a Microsoft Word document to request information from that college.