Kindergarten-In the Kidpix program we are wrapping up addition equations (using the text box on the toolbar) and adding pictures. We insert stickers aka "images". Then resize and flip them using the hot boxes.
First Grade-We started letter writing this week. Letters should be composed with an opening, body and formal closing with our name. When text was complete, students could add 4 images. We will repeat this lesson since formal Kidpix lessons were hit and miss last year. We should be expecting a capital letter on student names from now on.
Second Grade-Students had lively discussions with me about the 4 rules of Internet Safety.
1. Tell a trusted adult if you see anything that makes you feel awkward or scared on the Internet.
2. Never meet anyone in person that you met online.
3. Never share personal information online.
4. Use good Netiquette.
Third Grade-Students had two sessions to complete saving their documents and illustrating multiplication equations using 2 of the 4 models presented in class.
Fourth Grade-Kids took a form letter that I wrote to a college asking for information and edited it to fit themselves. They deleted, used control-click for spelling suggestions, learned keyboard shortcuts apple-C (copy) and apple-V (paste). During conferences, we will make sure everyone had a chance to complete this task and stuff their own addressed envelopes. All responses will come to Lince.