Student Posts

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Students watched Internet Safety Video Clips by

First Grade
Attempted to take pictures of themselves using PhotoBooth.  We'll work on adding those photos to an Internet Safety Poster.

Second Grade
Focus was on how to comment on another's blog posts.  THINK before you write for the public.

Third Grade
This was the last week of test preparations.

Fourth Grade
Some classes got to watch our school district bus video.

We brainstormed reasons why someone would go to the trouble of producing something like this. We used the website called
We also looked at blog comments that were written last week to see if each student used the article to back up their opinions.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Kinder and First Grade used KidPix this week to focus on conveying a message with proper use of capitals, spaces, returns, punctuation, etc....

First Grade also got their first taste of real keyboarding.  We talked about posture, home row keys, space bar and the return key.  It's difficult for these little hands to reach the return key without looking!

Second Grade wrote a paragraph about their spring break.  Then they joined a private Kidblog account and transferred that writing into their blog.  Next week we talk about how to comment on someone else's work.  Digital safety and conveying messages to an authentic audience is a part of our daily lives today.  Don't worry, I look at all the posts and comments of students this age before other students can see them.  :)

Third Grade did more test tools prepping.  There are a lot of features that are unfamiliar to our students.  It'll go much smoother next year having had a year of instruction under their belts.

Fourth Grade read an article and took a stance for or against the question proposed.  They were supposed to back up their opinions using information from the article and close with a personal connection to the question.

Stephanie Santana Newsela Tuesday, April 14, 2015 edition

I'll put up some of the great responses after I get a chance to read and review them on the weekend.  :)

ISTE Standards First Grade

First Grade Standards

ISTE Standards Kindergarten

Kindergarten Standards