Student Posts

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WIN time padlet-will post when complete

Looks something like this:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Oh the Horror! part 2

K-2 kids are letter writing.  I need to remember that creation is difficult because student skills and self confidence run at such a wide range.  One student might take the activity and make it their own and then some.  While another student struggles with identifying letters. Some students want so badly to "finish" their letters in the allotted 45 minutes that they end up crying.  I need to parcel these lessons out so kids can feel good about the part of the process that they are in.  This has not been a stellar week, but there has been a lot of learning going on!
Kindergarten trying to convey a message using letters and pictures.

2nd Graders trying to organize their writing with a thought and supporting detail.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Oh the Horror!

While taking the 3rd and 4th graders to internet safety today, I tried to illicit responses from students using technology INSTEAD of having an only 'me talking at them' teaching strategy (which is the ol' standby I fall into without forethought).

Today's presentation delivery was horrible and fantastic at the same time!
Horrible-the answers were short, not on topic, not clearly written, not good examples of writing conventions, etc...
Fantastic-we have a baseline of skills, kids were excited to have a voice...they couldn't wait to write & read (which is the whole point-right?), and we can draw from this experience, talk about conventions and communicating meaning to others. is the limited time chatroom I used for this activity.
This is not how I want kids to write, but now we have a starting point.