Student Posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It Took All Year....

I feel like I'm just getting started with the possibilities of what my students can do with technology. Having had a year of learning the ins and out of programs and tools we are finally creating like we should be.

Kindergarten -
Learned how to take selfies on their computers.  Then we learned how to delete and move picture files as needed.

First Grade-
Went a step further and used their selfies and other pictures to add to an internet safety poster and a Mother's Day Card.

Second Grade-
Created poems using the Scholastic Poetry Machine and blogged them.

Third and Fourth Grade-
Created a Haiku Deck using another person's poetry.  This week we learned how to put those Haiku Decks into our blogs!

Kyleigh mother's day - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires